ProChild Study
Probiotics and vitamin C for the prevention of respiratory tract infections in children attending preschool: a randomized controlled pilot study
This randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled study investigated the efficacy of Lab4 probiotics with vitamin C in reducing the symptoms of coughs and colds in young children, who are the most susceptible age group.
Fig 1: Total number of days with cough and cold symptoms
Fig 2: Reduction in incidence of symptoms of coughs and colds
Fig 3: Total number of days of medication usage
Fig 4: Number of children with at least one day of oral antibiotic use
Fig 5: Total number of days absent from preschool facilities
Fig 6: Total number of physcian visits
Lab4 probiotics in combination with vitamin C significantly reduced the incidence and duration of both coughs and colds and absenteeism from school.
Garaiova I et al 2015.
Probiotics and vitamin C for the prevention of respiratory tract infections in children attending preschool: a randomised controlled pilot study.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 69: 373-379